Ask a woman about Kelly Divine and she probably won’t know who you are talking about. Ask a man about her and he might whip out his cell phone and show you some Kelly Divine mobile porn videos. That is because even mobile porno stars are becoming as well known as their Hollywood counter-parts as porn goes digital.
With the advent of mobile porn men and women can enjoy porn quicker and easier than ever before. Many anti-porn groups have come forward in protest saying that increasingly easier access to porn will lead to lengthier viewing habits. This is a short sited view though. On the contrary, having easier access to porn often leads to less time spent using devious methods to view it. This in turn means the user can then spend more quality time with those around them.
There will always be exceptions to the rule. But then they were already the exception when porn wasn’t mobile yet. Shoot your load all over Kelly Divine’s ass! Now you know why they make those water (sperm) proof cell phone cases!